"My hope is that, just as the yellow telephone on the front cover of the 2011 Dialogues@RU Journal has a rich and beckoning quality, so too will the outstanding, sophisticated and professional 201 student research papers contained within this journal have the same allure..."
Tisha Bender
201 and Hybrid Coordinator, and Editor of the Dialogues@RU Journal
As is the case with most research, the students probably encountered surprises and even obstacles along the way, as the path to true discovery is never a straight line, but unafraid of these complexities and willing to enter a dialogue (hence the name of this journal) with the authors of the works they read, with their teachers, with their peers, and in their own heads, they made rich and rewarding discoveries, and wrote up their findings in profound and intriguing ways. Hopefully for many of them, this research is the kernel of what will eventually become a sustained fascination for them, and will lead to even deeper academic enquiry.
The papers in this journal, although emanating from a variety of 201 classes of different topics, are laid out in this journal according to main themes and subject areas. The themes are Ethics, Medicine, Science, Music, Food Ethics, Contemporary Social Issues, and Global Concerns. You will see that these papers connect in fascinating ways. I hope that you will enjoy reading this journal, and indeed learn from it, and that you will be similarly impressed with the profound level of research and writing that these students have accomplished.
Tisha Bender
201 and Hybrid Coordinator, and Editor of the Dialogues@RU Journal