front coverPlease enjoy this collection of student essays from Rutgers undergraduate research and writing courses. Every semester the Writing Program issues a call for papers from students enrolled Research in the Disciplines sections. While course topics vary widely, as evident in the just a few of this volume’s titles, all “English 201” sections share a common pedagogy focusing on developing a critical analysis of texts, and a strong student voice. The work does not end when students find appropriate sources, in fact, that is the beginning. Critical insight, reflection, contemplation, and a thorough analysis of the texts, all contribute to the process of developing an independent and original idea. In learning how to craft an academic essay, students find themselves contributing to a scholarly discourse unfamiliar to them only months before. The best of this research is then selected for publication by an entirely undergraduate editorial board.

A quick sample of topics in this volume spans broad areas of interest and includes: notions of interiority and identity as expressed in fan-based narratives; the intersection of race and class in volunteer placement programs; a deconstruction of the model minority myth; textile waste and the second-hand clothing industry; and a critique of New York City’s climate change plan. The essays here are the products of incredible effort and deep thought.

The authors work closely with student editors who are enrolled in the Writing Program’s Editing Internship or Editing and Conference Planning Internship. All phases of the editorial process are collaborative as student-authors and student-editors revise papers for Dialogues@RU. A tremendous amount of work and dedication, from both authors and editors, is what makes this undergraduate journal proud to showcase its 14th volume.

I would like to acknowledge the Writing Program’s continued commitment to Dialogues@RU, and the editing internships that produce it. A special note of thanks to Lynda Dexheimer, Executive Director of the Writing Program, editor, associate teaching professor, and most-beloved colleague. Her tireless efforts and constant problem-solving make her invaluable.


Tracy Budd
Rutgers University



Editorial Board Fall 2018

Abby Baker
Natalie Brennan
Hope Dormer
Hanna Graifman
Katherine Hill
Taylor Moreau
Terese Osborne
Julianna Rossano
Katharine Steely-Brown
Jennifer Territo
Tiffany Yang


Editorial Board Spring 2019

Ashley Abrams
Kelly Allen
Jeannee Auguste
Jasmine Basuel
Olivia Dineen
Stephanie Felty
Alec Ferrigno
Sophia Higgins
Lindsey Ipson
Aniza Jahangir
Esther Leaming
Grace Lee
Samuel Leibowitz-Lord
Wyonia McLaurin
Jordan Meyers
Drew Mount
Alyson Sandler
Erin Telesford
Morgan Ulrich